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Artemis Positive Future Fund


Historic yield

As at
24 Apr 2024


About this fund

The Artemis Positive Future Fund’s objective is to grow capital over a five-year period by investing in companies which meet the managers’ criteria for positive environmental and/or social impact. The fund manager pursues this goal by identifying companies that create transformational rather than incremental change.

  • Focus on disruption: The manager seeks companies that drive systemic change. This leads her to invest at the intersection of disruptive innovation and outmoded business models.
  • Focus on dispersion: The fund aims to deliver excess returns by avoiding the homogeneity of mega-caps; instead, it focuses on mid-caps where idiosyncratic risk is a much larger factor in outcomes.
  • Focus on positive impact: The manager seeks to invest in instigators of transformational change, assessing a company’s positive impact by determining:
    • Intentionality is about purpose. Transformational change cannot happen without it. This means identifying companies that align their mission or objectives directly to positive environmental and/or social impact.
    • Materiality is about significance. This measure indicates the positive impact a particular company can have.
    • Additionality is about transformation. The positive environmental and/or social impact a company contributes beyond what would otherwise have occurred. This predominantly happens through disruptive innovation and not through incremental improvements to the status quo.

For more information, read the fund's annual impact report for 2022 (PDF) for a detailed review of the fund’s main investment themes for impact equities during the year.

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Sustainability and ESG

The fund seeks leading global equity performance by investing only in innovative companies that create transformative positive change.

The fund’s core ESG principles

  • Seek to measure the impact of a company and its relationship to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals using three criteria:
    1. Intentionality – is the company’s vision and mission consciously aligned with positive impact?
    2. Additionality – is the company attempting to disrupt an unsustainable incumbent system?
    3. Materiality – will the company have a significant positive impact on the world if it executes its strategy successfully?
  • Score companies on each of the three principles, the sum of which will range from -9 to +9. A minimum of +3 is required if a company is to be included in the fund
  • Exclude companies involved in alcohol, tobacco, weapons, nuclear power, gambling, animal testing, adult entertainment, genetic modification or fossil fuels

Engagement and voting

  • Engagement targets companies’ impact through their conduct and footprint as well as their products and services. The managers expect their holdings to set ambitious goals and continuously improve
  • Policy is to vote in almost all votable meetings: see our latest vote reports

The fund’s impact highlights in 2022 (per £1m invested)

Artemis Positive Future impact highlights 2022

Source: Artemis as at 31 December 2022. These positive impacts have been generated by portfolio companies. Our provision of capital for the long-term aims to support and maximise portfolio companies positive impact. We have consolidated company impact outcomes where possible, but not all companies report impact data that can be consolidated. Headline impact statistics whilst useful may hide the nuance of an individual portfolio company’s activities e.g. in healthcare some companies may treat hundreds of thousands, whilst another may only treat a relatively small number of very sick. Headline impact statistics also don’t necessarily capture the disruption and change that individual companies are driving in their respective industries. In developing a sustainable alternative, they are forcing their peers to respond and become more sustainable – in this their materiality extends beyond their own operations.

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