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Artemis SmartGARP UK Equity Fund


Historic yield

As at
21 Oct 2024


About this fund

The manager of the Artemis SmartGARP UK Equity Fund seeks capital growth over five years by investing in companies that he believes have attractive share prices and that have superior potential for growing their earnings. The fund draws on SmartGARP®, Artemis’ proprietary company-screening tool that looks at company credentials and helps identify potential investment opportunities to the fund manager. The tool helps to promote timely and objective decisions.

It should be noted that the value of the investments selected by the manager may fall as well as rise with movements in stockmarkets or owing to diverse factors specific to individual companies. This could mean investors may not get back the amount they originally invested.

  • Rigorous stock screening: SmartGARP combats ‘information overload’ by focusing the fund manager’s attention on company shares with attractive financial characteristics.
  • Flexible: the fund invests mainly in medium-sized and large companies in the UK. However, it also has the flexibility to invest up to 20% in international equities when the manager identifies compelling opportunities.
  • Objective clarity: SmartGARP provides a fact-based framework for comparing the relative attractions of shares in different markets and industries around the world. It also helps to promote timely – and often against-the-trend – decisions. Before investing, the manager carries out his own detailed research to ensure that the investment story behind a SmartGARP recommendation is valid.
  • ‘Best ideas’: in parallel with assessing potential new opportunities, SmartGARP subjects the fund’s existing holdings to constant scrutiny. It sends a signal to the manager when a holding’s financial situation appears to be deteriorating, enabling the manager to evaluate whether or not to sell the company shares.
  • ESG integration: the fund integrates ESG factors; for more information, visit Integrating investment and stewardship

Please note that this fund changed name on 8 February 2021; it was previously named Artemis Capital Fund.



Find out more about SmartGARP®, Artemis’ in-house software tool which screens stock markets to help our fund managers identify companies with the most attractive financial characteristics

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